The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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Bulleting of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

Friday, October 26th, 1860
(General Session)


1st – A communication received by Mrs. M… was read, about the following question: If God created every soul alike how can there suddenly be such a large gap between them?

2nd – Multiple communications received by Mr. P…, medium from Sens were read. One signed by Homer that presents a remarkable fact that can be considered proof of identity. It reveals the name “Melesigenes” primitively used as Homer’s nickname, a fact unknown to the medium.

3rd – Analysis of a letter from Mr. L…, from Troyes, in which he reports remarkable events of physical manifestation that took place in 1856, with a person from that town, which recall the events of Bergzabern.

4th – Letter from Dr. Morhéry, reporting several singular facts of spontaneous manifestations that occurred with Ms. Désirée Godu in his presence, coinciding with the arrival of a letter from Mr. Allan Kardec.


1st – Several questions addressed to St. Louis;

2nd – Evocation of Mr. Morhéry’s son, who informs to have participated into the manifestations that took place in his father’s house;

3rd – Spontaneous essay received by Mr. Alfred Didier about despair, signed by Lamennais;

4th – Several questions addressed to Lamennais about multiple cases of suicide; about the relationships among the spirits and about Homer’s identity in the Sens’ communications.

Friday, November 2nd, 1860
(Private Session)


1st – A second communication of Homer was read, obtained by Mr. P… from Sens, and several questions and answers about the same subject;

2nd – Drawings obtained by a medium from Lyon, remarkable by their originality, if not by their execution. Once questioned about it, St. Louis said that the drawing have their value because they are really produced by the spirit but don’t have a very precise meaning since the medium and the spirit are not yet well identified with one another. He adds that the medium will become excellent with time.


1st – Questions to St. Louis: a) about the formula to confirm the identity of the spirits; b) about human’s role in the moralization of imperfect spirits; c) about the apparition of spirits under the form of a flame; d) about the value of the drawings sent from Lyon; e) about the transportation of objects by the spirits, their lifting from the ground and their invisibility;

2nd – Analysis of the question if the spirits can transport objects to a closed room and through material obstacles;

Mr. L… comments that such questions are related to the phenomena of physical manifestations which should not be dealt with by the Society.

Mr. President responds that the research about the causes is an important point, directly linked to the study of the Doctrine, thus it belongs to the main frame of the subjects of the Society. All parts of the science must be clarified. One thing is to deal with these theoretical researches and another thing is to turn those phenomena into an exclusive object of study. As a matter of fact, we can implore St. Louis to tell us if he considers the discussion that has just took place a waste of time. St. Louis responds: “I am far from considering your conversation a waste of time.

3rd – Evocation of Charles Nodier who was requested to continue the work that he had started, responding that he will continue next time and reminds us about the day’s celebration with a nice spontaneous essay. He attends a request and provides a short prayer regarding the event.

4th – A general appeal is made, without special designation, to the inferior spirits that can eventually be present, inviting them to identify themselves. The spirit of a highly positioned man communicates spontaneously, testifying through his, at the same time, simple and dignified language the good feelings that he now carries, and the little importance he gives to human greatness. He responds to the questions addressed to him with complacency and benevolence.

Friday, November 9th, 1860
(General Session)

Mr. Allan Kardec makes some observations about what was said in the previous session relatively to the physical manifestations. He brings back the instruction given by St. Louis in November 1858, regarding the objective of the works of the Society. The instruction was given as below:

“They mocked the turning tables but they will never mock the philosophy, the wisdom and the charity that shines out of the serious communications. The turning tables were the introduction to the Science; that is, by entering one must leave his prejudices as to leave his coat. You will never be advised enough to turn your meetings into serious centers. May the physical demonstrations be done elsewhere; that one may see and hear somewhere else but that among you, may there be love and understanding. How do you expect to be seen through the eyes of the superior spirits when you make a table turn? Ignorant! Does the scholar spend his time reviewing fundamental Science? If you, on the contrary, are seen in search of intelligent and instructive communications, you will then be considered serious individuals, searching for the truth.
St. Louis

Mr. Allan Kardec adds: Don’t we have here, ladies and gentlemen, an admirable program, outlined with the accuracy and simplicity of expression that characterize the really superior spirits? May this be understood by all, that we must do an in-depth investigation of everything, to be aware of everything; “may there be love and understanding among you” meaning that charity and mutual benevolence must be the object of our efforts, the link that unites us, so as to show through our example the true objective of Spiritism. We would be mistaken about the Society’s objective by thinking that everything that is done elsewhere is neglected. Nothing is useless and the physical manifestations also have their advantage and that none of us can dispute. If we don’t deal with them it is not because we have another cause. We have our specialty studies like others have theirs but all that mixes up in a common objective that is the progress and propagation of the science.


1st – Reading of communications received outside of the Society;

2nd – Letter from Mr. L… from Troyes, reporting facts that occurred in his presence, produced by the obsessing spirit that was discussed in the previous session. These facts that had stopped since 1856 started happening again under remarkable circumstances that will be the object of a study by the Society.


1st – Multiple questions about obsession; about the possibility of reproducing through photographic means the image of the visible and tangible apparitions; about the physical manifestations of Mr. Squire.

2nd – Questions about the spirit that manifests in Troyes, and notably about the magnetic effects produced in that case.

3rd – Five spontaneous essays received by four different mediums.

4th – Evocation of the disturbing spirit of Troyes. This spirit reveals one of the lowest conditions.

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