The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > December > Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society > Reincarnation

(Medium Ms. Eugenie)

Note: In the session of the Society when the message above was received, the spirit of Ms. Girardin was requested to give another one about reincarnation, then responding: “Oh! I wish; this medium is used to seeing me doing things that she is not always pleased with, and you are right.” This last sentence is an allusion to certain particular ideas of the medium about reincarnation.

“Reincarnation is a logical thing; it makes sense. Thus, it is all about giving some thought to that, of wanting to take a good look of what is around us. You only need to look inside, into our inner self, to find evidence of reincarnation. You see a good father at the table; he has several beautiful children, some of remarkable intelligence, others in an almost abject state. Where does the difference come from? The same father, the same mother, the same education, so many contrasts though! Think about your memories; don’t you find there the intuition of facts from which you have no knowledge about and yet they come back to you as if they had actually existed? Aren’t you shocked when you see someone for the first time and have the strong impression of having already known that person? You are, aren’t you? There you go! That demonstrates a previous life to you, one in which you participated; it demonstrates that the intelligent boy must have gone through several existences, hence improved, and that the other may well be in the initial ones; that the person who you meet may have been close to you and the fact that you remember did actually happen in another life. Besides, it is necessary to be perfect to enter the kingdom of God. Let us see that! Do you believe that you lack so little that three or four months in the celestial spheres after your death will be enough for you? * No, I don’t believe in such a pretension. Perfection is acquired after work and moral fortune is not inherited from material wealth. In order to purify you do need to animate several bodies and each of them keeps part of your impurities. If you think about it you will not be able to resist to the evidence.
Delphine de Girardin

*Reference to some people’s opinion about the future life

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