The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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Bibliography Siamora, the Druid Lady or Spiritism in the XV Century *

By Clément de la Chave

The spiritist ideas fill the works of a large number of former and current writers, and many contemporaries would be surprised if we demonstrated to them, from their own writings, that they are spiritists without knowing it. Spiritism can then find arguments in its own adversaries that seem to have been involuntarily led to provide Spiritism with armaments. Thus, holy as well as profane writers present an open field in which there is plenty to be sowed and harvested. That is what we intend to do one day.

We shall then see if the critics will still consider it to be appropriate to send the daring celebrity names in literature, arts, sciences, philosophy and theology to the asylums. The author of the little book that we are speaking about is not one of those who can be named spiritist without knowing it. On the contrary, he is a serious and educated follower, who took the burden of summarizing the fundamental truths of the Doctrine in a less arid than scholarly way, with the added attractiveness of a semi-historical romance.

In fact, we find the dauphin in the book that later became Louis XI and some characters of his time, with a taste of the costumes of those days. Siamora, last child of the former Druid Lady, preserved the traditions of her ancestors’ cult, but illuminated by the truths of Christianity. In an article in the April 1858 issue of The Spiritist Review we saw the level reached by the Gallic priests with respect to the spiritist philosophy. Hence, there is no contradiction when such ideas come from the mouth of their descendent. On the contrary, it is the evidence of a little known truth and the current author deserves recognition from the modern spiritists. We can evaluate that through the citations below. In a moment of ecstasy the young novice Edda speaks with Siamora in the following terms: “My familiar angel shows up to me in the form of my good angel. He offers himself to guide me through the painful paths of this world. Human beings, he says, are bad only because they ignore their spiritual nature; because they reject this subtle agent, this divine stream that God had spread around for their happiness in creation, making them equal and brothers. Human beings are then able to heal, appealing to this subtle agent of creation, extracting from that a powerful help.” 

“It is at the time of death that each person comes before to me! How sad! What a sorrow! What a bitter despair! Those perverse creatures love no more. Siamora! Each person carries his or her virtues and vices to the grave. Heavy or lightly loaded with their faults, the soul elevates more or less since they have kept much or just a little of that subtle agent, love, the substance of God that attracts similar substances and repels those which derive from a contrary principle, depending on the empathies.”

“The soul of a bad man remains errant down here, blowing its pestilent essence onto everyone. It contains the joy of evil and the pride of vices. We call that devil; he is called astray brother in heaven. Nevertheless, from every compassionate heart, Siamora, a gentle mist rises and despite his own will, the devil’s soul is saturated by that; it thus renovates, getting rid of its corruption… That soul then starts to perceive the idea of God which was not possible before. Since the soul carries the exact image of the body, although spiritual, it then joins the other ones, impregnated by the vices and imperfections, and the soul becomes denser and cannot see.”

“In that invisible world above ours, Siamora, where I struggle to stand, a shiny cloud hazes my eyes. Thousands of souls, celestial spirits, come and go. They move up and down, like snowflakes, spread around and run all over the place, dragged by the impulsive force of the winds. From their spiritual essence the angels come down to us, saying peaceful words to some, insinuating the divine belief in others; inspiring the search for science in this one; stimulating in someone else the instinct of goodness and beauty, and the one who has been taken over by the taste for great and noble things has already been touched by God’s finger. Every person has his mentor, his council, and his magnet. The rope of salvation has been thrown to everyone. It is up to us to grab it.” 

“That bad man, or even better, that devil-soul, whose eyes begin to open to the contact of pure air, goes on crying for his crime and begging to have it expiated by his suffering. Alone and helpless, what will he do? A charitable angel approaches and says: awry brother, come to life with me. Here is hell, the place of suffering where each one of us regenerates. Come. I shall support you. Let us do some good so that the balance of good and bad is over for you, now let us lean towards the good side.”

“That is how, Siamora, the moment of death comes to all people. I see them elevating more or less in heaven, reentering life, suffering again, depurating, dying and elevating again in heaven, incessantly. They don’t reach the dwelling of the only God yet but only through long lasting pilgrimages in other worlds, much more wonderful and perfect than this one, they shall forcibly depurate and get there.”

* One vol. In-18, price 2 francs, Vannier bookseller and publisher, Rue Notre Dame-desVictoires, 52 – 1860.

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