The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > November > Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society > The Nothingness of Life
The Nothingness of Life
(Medium Ms. Huet)

My good adopted friends, allow me to give you a few words of advice. God allows me to come to you. Unfortunately I cannot transfer to you all the emotion that was in my heart and what inspired me to do good! Believe in God, author of all things; love God; be good and charitable. Charity is the key to the heavens. In order to become good, give sometimes some thought to death; it is a thought that elevates the soul and makes it better, bringing humbleness to the soul. What are we on Earth? We are an atom thrown in space; very little in the whole universe. The human being is nothing. His time is numbered. Looking forward or behind there is always infinity. His life, however long it may be, is a mere dot in eternity. Then, think of your soul. Think of the new life that awaits you since you cannot doubt that it does exist, even more so if you think about the desires of your soul, never satisfied, demonstrating that they must exist in a better world. Goodbye.

S. Swetchine

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