The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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The Spirits’ Book, Second Edition

Entirely restructured and considerably augmented WARNING ABOUT THIS SECOND EDITION I n the first edition of this book we announced a supplemental part. It should be composed by all questions not yet incorporated in the first edition or originated by posterior events and new studies. However, since these questions are related to the parts already treated, forming their development, their isolated publication would not show continuity. We preferred to wait for the reprint of the book to gather everything, taking the opportunity to give a more methodic order to the distribution of the subjects, eliminating everything that had double meaning. This reprint may thus be considered a new book once the principles did not suffer any alteration except some corrections that are more additions and clarifications than true modifications in reality. Such compliance with the issued principles, despite the diversity of the sources from where they were obtained, is an important fact for the establishment of the Spiritist Science. Our own correspondence demonstrates that total identical communications have been obtained in several places, if not in the form, at least in the content; well before the publication of the book, came the confirmations and then the organization of them. On its side History demonstrates that the majority of these principles were professed by the most eminent people of former and modern times, who have sanctioned them.

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