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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > March > A Healing Medium
A Healing Medium
Ms. Désirée Godu, from Hennebon (Morbihan)
We refer our readers to the previous month’s article about the special mediums. The explanations that will be given below about Ms. Désirée Godu will be better understood – her faculty has a seal of remarkable specialty.
We refer our readers to the previous month’s article about the special mediums. The explanations that will be given below about Ms. Désirée Godu will be better understood – her faculty has a seal of remarkable specialty.
About eight years ago she went successively through all phases of
mediumship. In the beginning she was a powerful medium of physical
effects, then she turned into clairvoyant, hearing, speaking, writing medium
and finally all of her faculties concentrated on healing people, which
seems to be her mission and that she accomplishes with a boundless devotion.
Let us see below the comments from Mr. Pierre, a professor from
Lorient, who shares these details with us, responding to the questions that
we addressed to him.
“Ms. Désirée Godu is twenty five years old, belonging to a distinct
and respectable family in Lorient. Her father is a former officer of the
military, a Knight of the Legion of Honor, and her mother a patient and
laborious lady, who helps her daughter the best she can in her painstaking
but sublime mission. For about six years the patriarchal family has been
giving away alms of prescribed medication, and sometimes everything
necessary to the treatment of the poor as well as the rich who seek their
help. Their relationship with the spirits started at the time of the turning tables. During that time she lived in Loirent and for months the only
subject of conversation in town was the wonders operated by Ms. Godu
with the tables, always complacent and kind under her hands. It was a
privilege to be admitted into the sessions with the table in her house and
they would hardly accept anyone. Always simple and modest she never
sought the spotlight. Slander however, did not spare her, as expected.
Christ himself was mocked although he only did and taught good things.
Is it surprising that there are Pharisees when there are men who still don’t
believe anything? That is the fate of whoever shows any superiority, of
being exposed to the attacks of mediocre jealousy and envy. It doesn’t
take them much to knock down anyone who raises their head above the
crowds, not even the poison of calumny. The debunked hypocrite never
forgives but God is just and the more the righteous man is mistreated, the
brightest his rehabilitation is and the most humiliating is the shame of his
enemies. Posterity will avenge them.”
“While waiting for her true mission which is said would begin in two
years, her guardian spirit proposed to heal all kinds of diseases, which she
accepted. He now uses her own organs to communicate, instead of rapping
on the table, and often against her will. When the spirit speaks, her
tone of voice is no longer the same, her lips barely moving.”
“Ms. Godu went through regular schooling but the main part of her
education could not have been given by human beings. When she agreed
to become a healing medium the spirit followed a methodic process of
instruction and the only thing that she could see were hands. A mysterious
spirit would then lay books, pictures and drawings before her eyes,
explaining the functionality of the whole human body, the properties of
plants, the effects of electricity, etc. She is not a somnambulist. She is
never put to sleep. She is very awake and able to penetrate the illness of
her patients with her eyes. The spirit indicates the medication that she
generally prepares and applies, treating the most revolting wounds with
the dedication of a charitable sister. They began by giving her the composition
of certain preparations which healed skin rash and wounds of
lesser importance and in a few days, aiming at slowly adapting her to all the dreadful and repulsive miseries which would come before her eyes,
putting her finesse and kindness to the toughest tests. Do not imagine
her as a suffering, weak person. She enjoys “mens sana in corpore sano” in
all its plenitude.
Far from having someone else to treat the patients directly, she is the
one that puts her hands on all, and she is suffice to do all, thanks to
her resolute constitution. She knows how to inspire endless hope onto
the patients. Her heart finds consolation to all ailments and her hands
provide medicine to all sufferings. She is naturally outgoing and happy.
Her joyfulness is contagious like her faith that instantly act upon her patients.
I saw many people leaving her place with tears in their eyes, tears of
thoughtful admiration, appreciation and joy. The house is never empty on
Thursdays, open market day, and every Sunday from six am to five or six
pm. Work is a prayer to her and she does that consciously. Before treating
the ill she used to spend entire days sewing clothes to the poor and newly
born, employing ingenious ways of ensuring that the donations would get
to their destination anonymously so that the left hand never knew what
the right hand did. She got a large number of authentic certificates from
priests, authorities and celebrities, attesting her cures which in other times
would be considered miraculous.”
We know that there is no exaggeration in the report above by the testimony
of trustworthy people, giving us the satisfaction of pointing out to the
use made by Ms. Godu of an exceptional faculty given to her. We hope
that the praises which we have the pleasure of reproducing here will not
affect her modesty, which doubles the worth of her good deeds, and that
she will not listen to the suggestions of pride. Pride is the major obstacle to
a large number of mediums and we have seen many whose transcending
gifts were annihilated or perverted, as soon as they listened to that tempting
devil. The best intentions cannot hinder its traps, and it is precisely
against the good ones that pride charges its weapons, since prides takes satisfaction by showing who is stronger. Pride sneaks in with such skills
that the heart is frequently and unsuspectedly full of that. Thus, pride is
the last defect that we confess to ourselves, similarly to those fatal diseases
which one carries in a latent state, whose real seriousness misleads the
person up to the last moment. That is why it is so difficult to get rid of it.
As long as the medium has a gift, however little importance it may have,
the medium is sought, praised, flattered. This becomes a terrible touchstone
to the medium, for the medium ends up by feeling indispensable if
the person is not profoundly simple and modest. That is disgraceful to
the medium, particularly if persuaded that he or she only communicates
with good spirits. The medium can hardly acknowledge that he was deceived
thus he often writes or hears his own condemnation or censorship,
not believing that he is the target of such a thing. Well, it is precisely
that blindness which holds the medium hostage. The deceiving spirits
take advantage of that to fascinate, dominate, and subjugate the medium
more and more, to the point of making him accept the falsest things as
truthful. That is how the precious gift received from God is lost, a gift
only given to the benefit of their brothers and sisters, because the good
spirits leave as soon as someone prefers to listen to the bad ones. Someone
that has chosen to be highlighted shall be so by the force of things and
the spirits will know well how to rescue them from obscurity, if that is
useful, whereas there will frequently be only disappointments to the one
who is tormented by the need of having everybody talking about him.
From what we know about the character of Ms. Godu it gives us a firm
assurance that she is above these little weaknesses, and that she will never
compromise the mission that has been assigned to her, as many others
have done so far.