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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > November
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesFriday, October 5th 1860
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
Minutes and works of the August 24th session were read.
After having received a letter requesting membership from Mr. B… and after having had the report and verbal appreciation by the Committee, the Society admits Mr. B, a Parisian trader, as a member.
1st – Mr. Allan Kardec reports the result of his trip on behalf of Spiritism and gladly mentions the warm reception he received everywhere and especially in Sens, Macon, Lyon and Saint-Etienne. He was able to attest to the considerable progress of Spiritism in every place he visited; however, what is worth mentioning is that he has not seen people making use of Spiritism as a distraction. In all places people were seriously involved and understood its reach and its future consequences. There are still many opponents, no doubt, from which the most bloodthirsty have self-serving interests but the number of mockers have reduced noticeably.
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
Minutes and works of the August 24th session were read.
After having received a letter requesting membership from Mr. B… and after having had the report and verbal appreciation by the Committee, the Society admits Mr. B, a Parisian trader, as a member.
1st – Mr. Allan Kardec reports the result of his trip on behalf of Spiritism and gladly mentions the warm reception he received everywhere and especially in Sens, Macon, Lyon and Saint-Etienne. He was able to attest to the considerable progress of Spiritism in every place he visited; however, what is worth mentioning is that he has not seen people making use of Spiritism as a distraction. In all places people were seriously involved and understood its reach and its future consequences. There are still many opponents, no doubt, from which the most bloodthirsty have self-serving interests but the number of mockers have reduced noticeably.
Seeing that their sarcasm does not invite the jokers to their
side, and that those do more favor than harm to the progress of
the new beliefs, they start to understand that they have nothing
to gain and waste their energy in a useless loss, thus they go silent.
A good word to characterize the agenda everywhere, is that:
Spiritism is in the air. It shows well the state of things. But it is
in Lyon that the results are more impressive. Spiritism is present
in large numbers in all social classes there, having hundreds of
members in the working class. Spiritism has exerted the healthiest
influence upon the working class from the standpoint of organization,
moral and religious ideas. In short, Spiritism propagates
with the most encouraging speed.
Mr. Allan Kardec reads the speech given by Mr. Guillaume during the
banquet offered to him by the spiritists of Lyon followed by his response.
In recognition for the testimonies of sympathy that the comrades
of Lyon gave to the Society, it returns a message of acknowledgement
whose outline was submitted to the Committee which made
amendments. The message will be transmitted by the President.
Mr. Allan Kardec met Mr. R… in Saint-Etienne, hearing
from him the description of a system that was dictated to him
through what he calls unconscious writing. His system will be object
of a special study in the future.
Besides, he reports a very curious case of physical obsession of
a person from Lyon; of a case of clairvoyance, that he witnessed,
and a phenomenon of transfiguration that took place near SaintEtienne,
with a young lady that at certain times took the complete
appearance of her brother, deceased a few years back.
2nd – Report given of a remarkable case of a spirit’s identity,
which occurred on a ship from the imperial navy, anchored
in the China Sea. The fleet surgeon, present at the session, reported
the fact. Everyone on the ship, from the lowest seaman
recruit to the highest officer ranks were involved with evocations
but nobody knew the means of obtaining written communications;
hence, alphabetical typtology was used. Someone
had the idea of evoking a lieutenant that had died two years ago.
Among other details, he said: “I insist that you pay the captain
the amount of…(the value is indicated), that I owe him, and I
regret not being able to pay him back before I died.” Nobody
knew the fact. The captain himself had forgotten all about it
but checking his accounts he found a note about the lieutenant’s
debt, whose value was absolutely identical to the number
indicated by the spirit.
3rd – Mr. de Grand-Boulogne reads a nice piece of poetry that
he dedicated to his familiar spirit.
1st – Questions addressed to St. Louis about his apparition to a
medium from Lyon, in the presence of Mr. Allan Kardec. He
answers: “Yes, it was me. It was my duty to stay with the director
of the Society that I sponsor.” Other questions about the physical
impression produced in certain writing mediums by the good and
bad spirits.
2nd – Evocation of Mr. Ch. de P…, who was found drowned
and whose death was considered a suicide. He denies the account
and tells us that accidental causes led to his death.
3rd – Spontaneous essay signed by Lamennais, received by
Mr. D…
Friday, October 12th, 1860
(General Session)
Committee meeting.
Presided by Mr. Jobard, honorary President from Brussels.
Works and minutes of the October 5th session were read.
1st – Multiple communications received by Mrs. S… were read:
The Orphans, signed by Jules Morin. Others signed by Alfred de
Musset: The Queen of Ouda, by Nicolas.
2nd – A spontaneous essay signed by St. Louis was read, received
by Mr. Darcol, containing several pieces of advice for
3rd – Letter from Mr. J… from Terre-Noire, to Mr. Allan
Kardec, about the painful impressions caused in him by the explanation
of Mr. R… system.
1st – Evocation of Saul, King of the Jews. He states that he is not
the one communicating through Ms. B… The spirit that communicates
in the group of that young lady had taught a particular
system whose main points are: 1st – The older the earthly existence
of the spirit, the more advanced it is, and consequently
St. Louis is less advanced than him because he had died more
2nd – The spirits only incarnate on Earth, in three incarnations
only, not more, not less, being that sufficient for them to
move from the lowest to the highest level of the scale.
Since Mr. Allan Kardec had fought this theory as irrational
and denied by facts, the spirit insisted on trying to change his mind. He was evoked and proved incapable of sustaining his theory,
but he did not give in, asking to be heard in another private
session and through his customary medium.
NOTA: The session was held a few days later and the spirit
persisted with the name Saul, King of the Jews. Nonetheless, under
the pressure of the questions he gave proofs of the most absolute
ignorance saying, for example, that the incarnation of the
spirits only takes place on Earth because this is the only solid
planet. In his opinion all other globes are gaseous and could not
serve the purpose of being inhabited by corporeal beings. When
his theory was contested by the phenomena of eclipses of the Sun
he argued that the Sun had never been eclipsed by Mercury or
Venus, a fact that the astronomers were not always in agreement
This fact demonstrates once more that the spirits are far from
having the whole science and also how much it is necessary to be
on guard against systems that out of pride, some of them try to
impose through a few beautiful maxims. This one, despite his
arrogance, showed his weak spot with the ridiculous theory of
the planets, demonstrating that he must have been less educated
than the last student, which does not mean a lot regarding his
condition. When these spirits find an audience to their words
with a blind trust they take advantage; however, they will be less
frequent the more we are aware of the need to submit every communication
to the strictest crucible of logic and reason. When
these spirits see that people are no longer deluded by the respectable
names that they take and that they cannot impose their utopias,
they will understand they are wasting their time and will be
2nd – Evocation of the spirit that communicates through
Mr. R… and that has also dictated a complete system to him.
This study shall be carried out later.
3rd – Spontaneous essay received by Mr. D… about infused
science, signed by St. Louis. This communication seems to have
been provoked by the subjects discussed during the session.
4th – Drawing obtained by Ms. J… and signed by Ary
5th – Evocation of Nicholas by Ms. J… As usual he manifests
violently, saying: “Asking me to calm down is to ask me not to be
myself. As you see I still burn. The breath of battle has taken me
over.” Questioned why he was so calm with Ms. S… he said: “I
had used an interpreter to avoid breaking this delicate creature;
I was able to produce good and beautiful thoughts but I could
not write them myself.” Another spirit manifests spontaneously
through Ms. J… Given his extreme kindness, calm, correct and
almost framed writing, contrasting with the notably nervous,
wide and impatient writing of N…, the medium believes to recognize
John the Evangelist, that has manifested several times in
that way. He talks about the efficacy of the prayer and reminds
the prophecies of the Apocalypse which find application these
Friday, October 19th, 1860
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
The works and minutes of the previous session were read.
By recommendation of the Committee and after a verbal report, Mr.
G… trader from Paris, and Mr. D…, employee of the Post Office, were
admitted as members.
1st – A communication received by Mrs. S… from her brother was
read. It is remarkable by the elevation of thoughts, demonstrating
the affection of the spirits by their loving ones on Earth.
2nd – Mrs. Desl… reads the evocation of a former maid who
died when working for her family. This evocation, in which the
spirit demonstrates her attachment and good feelings, offers a
remarkable particularity regarding the language details, similar
to people from rural areas, having the spirit preserved even with
those who were familiar to her.
3rd – A case of identity regarding the spirit of Mr. Charles
de P…, who was evoked on the October 5th session. The person
to whom he had manifested in Bordeaux, and who had evoked
him again in the first days of this month, that person learned
through him that he was called to the Society where he had
confirmed what he had said before about the accidental cause of
his death. Soon after the person received a letter from Mr. Allan
Kardec giving details of the evocation at the Society.
4th – Report of several cases of vaporous and tangible apparitions,
and also transportation of material objects that took place
with Mr. de St.-G…, present at the session, as well as with one of
his relatives. These cases will be examined later.
1st – Evocation of the spirit that manifested visually to Mr. de
St.-G… He gives some explanations but indicates that he prefers
to communicate through his usual medium.
2nd – Evocation of a spirit that uses the name Balthazar, spontaneously
revealed to Ms. H…, showing gastronomical dispositions.
This evocation offers great interest from the point of view
of the study of non-dematerialized spirits, who still keep the instincts
of the earthly life.
3rd – Three spontaneous essays were received: the first by
Mr. Didier Jr, about Christianity and signed by Lamennais;
the second by Mrs. Costel, about the inferior spirits, signed by
Delphine de Girardin; the third by Ms. Huet: The kiss of peace,
a parable signed by Channing.
Bibliography Letter from a Catholic about Spiritism
By Dr. Grand, former Vice-Consul of France
The author of this brochure proposes to demonstrate that it is possible to be simultaneously a good Catholic and a zealous spiritist. In that sense he preaches by the word and by the example since he is sincerely one and the other. Through facts and arguments of rigorous logic he establishes the agreement between Spiritism and religion, demonstrating that all fundamental dogmas found in Spiritism give an explanation that satisfies the most demanding reason, and that Theology unsuccessfully strives to provide; concluding that if these dogmas were taught in this way they would find less incredulity and hence religion would have to gain from an alliance, forecasting that one day Spiritism will be in religion and religion in Spiritism.
The author of this brochure proposes to demonstrate that it is possible to be simultaneously a good Catholic and a zealous spiritist. In that sense he preaches by the word and by the example since he is sincerely one and the other. Through facts and arguments of rigorous logic he establishes the agreement between Spiritism and religion, demonstrating that all fundamental dogmas found in Spiritism give an explanation that satisfies the most demanding reason, and that Theology unsuccessfully strives to provide; concluding that if these dogmas were taught in this way they would find less incredulity and hence religion would have to gain from an alliance, forecasting that one day Spiritism will be in religion and religion in Spiritism.
It seems hard to believe that after reading this little book those with
their religious scruples who keep away from Spiritism are not led to a
healthier appreciation for it. There also is an obvious fact that the spiritist
ideas advance with such a speed that even without being a sorcerer or
a foreteller, it is possible to predict the time when those ideas will be so broadly accepted that, willing or not, one will have to count on them.
They shall conquer citizenship, without the need for anyone’s permission;
and it shall soon be acknowledged, if not done yet, the absolute impossibility
of stopping its course.
Even the diatribes give them an extraordinary boost and one would
not believe the number of adepts that Mr. Louis Figuier made with his
“Histoire du Merveilleux” (History of the Marvelous) in which he pretends
to explain everything through hallucination when, in fact, he definitely
explains nothing since his starting point is the denial of every force outside
humanity and his material theory cannot resolve all cases. The mockery
of Mr. Oscar Comettant was without sufficient reasoning. He made
people laugh but not to the cost of the spiritists. The gross and insensible
article from the Gazette de Lyon harmed only itself because everybody
judged it as it deserved.
After reading the brochure mentioned above, what can we say to
those who still dare to suggest that the spiritists are impious and that
their doctrine threatens religion? They don’t notice that by saying so they
would lead to believe that religion is vulnerable. It would in fact be very
vulnerable if a utopia could compromise it – since according to them this
is utopia. We are not afraid of saying that all sincerely religious people –
meaning those that are more from their hearts than from their lips – will
recognize in Spiritism a divine manifestation, whose objective is to revive
the perishing religious faith.
We highly recommend this brochure to all of our readers and we do
believe that they shall do good service by promoting it.
Since long ago we have been in touch with two mediums from Sens,
who are as distinct for their faculties as commended for their modesty,
devotion and purity of intentions. We would not say so if we did not know
that they are inaccessible to pride, this stumbling stone of so many mediums,
which has wrecked so many happy dispositions. It is a rare quality
that deserves to be mentioned. We have personally verified the sympathies
that they both enjoy from the good spirits. Nevertheless, far from taking
advantage of that; far from considering themselves the only interpreters of
truth, and not falling into the dark trap of pretentious names, they humbly
accept with prudent reservation every communication they receive,
always submitting them to controls of reason.
That is the only way of discouraging the deceiving spirits who are
always stalking people that are prepared to accept any words that come
from them, as long as they are signed by a respectable name. As a matter
of fact, those two mediums have never received frivolous, trivial, rude or
ridiculed communications, and not one spirit has ever tried to pass eccentric
ideas through them or impose upon them as an absolute ruler. Even
further and demonstrating all the above in favor of the spirits that guide
them, there is the feeling of true benevolence and true Christian charity
inspired in their protégés. Such was the impression that had remained
with us from what we observed, and we are happy to say so.
In the interest of preservation and betterment of their faculties we
hope that they shall never make the same mistakes as the mediums that
consider themselves infallible. There isn’t a single one that can boast about
having never been deceived. The best intentions are not always a guarantee
and frequently that is a trial to exercise judgment and discernment.
But regarding those who unfortunately judge themselves infallible, the
deceiving spirits are very skillful to let the opportunity go. They do what
people do: they exploit every weakness.
Among the communications sent to us by those gentlemen, the following
one signed by Homer seemed of singular interest to us, although
it does not have anything special about the ideas, but for a remarkable
fact that may be considered proof of identity, up to a certain extent. This
communication was obtained spontaneously, and the medium had given
absolutely no thought to the Greek poet. It gave rise to several questions
that we also considered adequate to publish.
The medium one day wrote the following, not knowing who was
dictating it:
“My God! How profound are your designs and impenetrable your
eyes! Human beings have sought, at all times, the solution of a number
of problems not yet resolved. I have done that too in my life and did not
solve the simplest: evil, the goad that you employ to impel man to do good
through love. Still very young I met the abuse imposed by people on one
another, without premeditation, and as if evil were a natural element to
them, although it is not true and considering that everyone is destined to
the same end which is good.
They strangle one another, only to wake up and find a hurt brother!
Nevertheless, these are your designs and it is not up to us to change
them. We have only the merit or demerit of having resisted more or less
to the temptation, and like a sanction to all that, we find punishment
or reward.
I spent my youth among the reeds of “Mélès; I bathed and rocked often
in its waves. Hence I was called “Melesigenes” in my youth.”
1. Since this name is unknown, we beg the spirit to kindly explain it
to us in a more accurate way. – A. My youth navigated the waves;
my poetry gave me gray hair. I am the one that you call Homer.
OBSERVATION: It came as a great surprise to us for we had no
idea about Homer’s nickname. We found it later in the mythological
dictionary. The questions followed.
2. Could you kindly tell us why you gave us the honor of your spontaneous
visit since we did not absolutely think of you at this time,
and for which we apologize. – A. It is because I come to your
meetings as one who always goes to the brothers and sisters who
wish to do good.
3. We dare ask you to please tell us about the last moments of your
earthly life. – A. Oh my friends! God forbid you die as unfortunate
as I did! My body finished in the last of human miseries. The
soul is much perturbed in such a state. The awakening is harder,
but also much more beautiful! Oh! How great God is! May God
bless you, I wish from the bottom of my heart.
4. The poems Iliad and Odyssey that we have, are they as good as the
ones that you originally composed? – A. No. They were altered.
5. Several cities fought for the honor of having been named your
birthplace. Could you clarify that to us? – A. Find the Greek
city that had the house of Cléanax, the courtier. He was the one
who expelled my mother from my place of birth, because she refused
to be his lover, and you shall know where I was born. Yes,
they disputed that supposed honor, but did not do that for having
welcomed me. Oh! The poor humans. Always futilities; good
thoughts, never!
OBSERVATION: The most remarkable fact of this communication
is the revelation of Homer’s nickname, even more so when considering the limited instruction of both mediums, forced to
earn their living out of manual labor, and that could not have
any idea about it. That can be even less attributed to a reflex of
thought considering that they were alone at that time.
We will make another observation about it: every spiritist knows,
however little experience they may have, that someone who knew
Homer’s nickname and had evoked him, if that person had asked
him about his nickname as a proof of identity, it would have been
refused. If the communications were only a reflex of our thoughts,
how come the spirits would not say what we already know and
how come they say what we ignore? The fact is that the spirits
also have their dignity and susceptibility, and want to prove that
they are not at the service of the first one they meet. Suppose
that someone who strongly protests against the caprice or ill-faith
of the spirits would show up at a house, refusing to provide his
identity. What would he do if he were received but people asked
him point-blank to demonstrate that he was himself? He would
turn his back. That is what the spirits do. It does not mean that
one must believe in their words but when a proof of identity is
requested one needs to know how to treat them as well as people.
The proofs of identity spontaneously given are always the best.
If we have given a lot of space to a subject that does not seem
to justify so many considerations it is because we don’t want to
miss the opportunity of calling people’s attention to the practical
aspect of a science surrounded by more difficulties than thought,
and that many people think to dominate just because they know
how to make a table rap or a pencil move. As a matter of fact, we
address those who still think that they need advice and not those
that after a few months of study think that they don’t need them.
If the advice, which we believe to be useful, is lost by some we also
know that it will not be lost by all.
Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave Balthazar, the Gastronome Spirit
Society, October 19th, 1860
A spirit by the name of Balthazar showed up spontaneously in a private meeting, dictating the following phrase by knocks: “I like good food and women; cheers to melon and lobster, coffee and liquor!”
A spirit by the name of Balthazar showed up spontaneously in a private meeting, dictating the following phrase by knocks: “I like good food and women; cheers to melon and lobster, coffee and liquor!”
It seemed to us that this sort of disposition from an inhabitant of the
other world could give rise to a serious study, from which we could take
instructive teachings about the faculties and sensations of certain spirits.
To us it was an interesting object of observation that showed on its own,
or even better, which could have been sent by the superior spirits, willing
to provide us with more instructions. We were to blame if we did not use
this opportunity. It is obvious that the burlesque statement of that spirit
reveals a very special condition, whose study can shed light onto what we
can call physiology of the spiritual world.
That is why the Society decided to evoke him and not for a futile
motive, but with the hopes that a new subject of instruction would be
found. Certain people believe that we can only learn from the spirits of great individuals. It is a mistake. It is true that only the elevated spirits can
give us lessons of high theoretical philosophy but the knowledge about
the actual condition of the spiritual world is not less important to us.
Studying some spirits we are somehow surprised by their flagrant nature.
It is seen by the wounds that we can find the means of healing them. How
could we be aware of the future penalties and rewards if we had not seen
unfortunate spirits? Through them we understand that one can suffer a
lot without being thrown into the fire or without experiencing physical
tortures in hell, and such conviction, given by the spectacle of the dregs of
the spiritual world, is not one of the causes that have least contributed to
attract adepts to the Doctrine.
1. Evocation. – A. My friends, here you have me before a great table,
but ah! It is empty!
2. This table is empty that is true; however, can you tell us what
good would it do to you if it had plenty of food? What would you
do with that? – A. I would feel its smell as I did with its taste in
the past.
OBSERVATION: This answer contains a whole teaching. We
know that the spirits have our sensations and feel the smells as
well as the sounds. Since they cannot eat, a material and sensual
spirit feeds from the emanation of the food; enjoys them by
the smell, like they did through taste when alive. Hence there is
something of material in their pleasure, but as there is really more
desire than reality, by nudging the desires the pleasure becomes
a punishment to the inferior spirits that still keep their human
3. Let us talk seriously, I beg you. Our purpose is to learn, rather
than play games. Kindly respond seriously to our questions and if
necessary please use the support of a more enlightened spirit. You
have a vaporous body, we know that well. But tell us, if there is a stomach in such a body? – A. An also vaporous stomach that can
only take smells.
4. When you see tasty food do you feel like eating them? – A. Ah! I
can no longer eat! Those foods to me are like the flowers to you;
you smell but you don’t eat. That is it then! I am also satisfied.
5. Does it give you any pleasure to see other people eating? – A. A
lot, when I am around.
6. Do you feel the need to eat and drink? Please notice that we say
need; a short while back we used the word desire, which is different.
– A. Need, no; but desire, yes, always!
7. Is that desire completely satisfied by the smell that you inhale? Is
it the same as if you were eating? – A. It is the same as asking you
if the sight of a badly wanted object satisfies you as much as if you
had possession of that object.
8. Thus, as it seems, your desire must be a real torture since there is
no real pleasure. – A. A torture greater than you think. But I try
to confuse myself, creating the illusion.
9. Your condition seems too material to us. Tell us: do you sleep
eventually? – A. No. I enjoy wandering around.
10. Does time seem too long to you? Do you ever get bored? – A. No.
I visit the fairs and markets; I see the catch arriving at the fish
market and that keeps me really busy.
11. What did you do when alive on Earth?
Note: Someone says that he would certainly be a cook. – A. I did
appreciate the good food, not as a glutton. I was a lawyer, son of
a gastronome, and grandson of a gastronome. My parents were
“ fermiers généraux” (businessmen that in the old monarchy had
the right of collecting taxes, before the payment of a certain fixed
amount to the treasury). Responding to the preceding comment,
the spirit added: - A. You see now that I was not a cook and I
would not invite you to my feasts because you don’t know how to
eat or drink.
12. Have you been dead for a long time? – A. I died about thirty years
ago, when I was eighty years old.
13. Do you see other spirits happier than you? – A. Yes. I see some
spirits whose happiness consists on loving God. I still don’t know
that. My thoughts remain on Earth.
14. Do you understand the causes that make them happier than
you? – A. I still don’t appreciate them, like the one that doesn’t
understand a fine dish and cannot appreciate it. Perhaps I will
get there. Good-bye. I will look around for a little delicious
and succulent dinner.
OBSERVATION: This spirit is a real phenomenon. It is part of
that large group of invisible creatures that have not moved anything
above human condition. The only difference is the lack of
material body but their ideas are exactly the same. This is not a
bad spirit. The only thing against him is the sensuality, at the
same time a cause of torment and joy. Then, as a spirit he is not
very unhappy; he is even happy in his own way. But God knows
what expects him in a new existence! A sad return may well make
him think and develop the moral sense, still subdued by the supremacy
of the senses.
From a Spiritist to his Familiar Spirit Stanzas
Giver to my sadness
A look of tender pity!
You give my weakness
A look of tender pity!
You give my weakness
The support of your holy friendship!
Spirit, genie, or pure flame,
Suspend your flight toward the heavens;
Remain to enlighten my soul,
Oh mysterious advisor!
Messenger of Providence,
Sage interpreter of his law,
Oh! Speak; I listen in silence;
Divine Master, teach me.
Until recently, there was darkness of doubt,
The question hanging over my heart,
But your breath pushed aside this shadow,
Bringing me the joy of light!
Thus, God, the loving master,
Father, even more than Creator
Placed in his ineffable tenderness,
An angel close to our heart.
Each one of us, oh beautiful miracle!
Has a heavenly guardian;
Each one of us has his oracle
Our invisible support.
Lovely spirit that comforts me!
Blessed brother, gentle and pious,
With you my soul soars,
Flying towards the heavens!
Yes, I love you, protective spirit;
I gladly take your hand;
I am you, sweet star; illuminated
In heaven where we will be tomorrow.
Loving Relationships of the Spirits
Comments about the spontaneous essay published in the October
1860 issue of The Review, with the title Awakening of the Spirit.
The lovely communications of the spirit that uses the name Georges
are generally admired. However, and due to the very superiority demonstrated
by that spirit, several persons were surprised about what he said in
his message Awakening of the Spirit, regarding the relationships beyond
the tomb. It reads as follows:
“We get rid of every earthly prejudice. Truth shines with full intensity.
Nothing mitigates our faults. Nothing hides the virtues. We see our
own souls as clearly as if before a mirror. We seek the familiar spirits
because isolation is frightening, but they go by and don’t bother to stop.
There is no affectionate relationship among errant spirits; even those who
loved one another don’t exchange expressions of love; those misty forms
slide and move on. The affectionate communications are reserved to the
superior spirits in their interactions.”
The thought of homecoming after death and the communication
with our loved ones is one of the greatest consolations of Spiritism and
the idea that souls would not have a friendly relationship would be tough,
if absolute; hence we are not surprised by the painful feeling that it has
caused. If Georges were one of those common or systematic spirits, who expose their own ideas without any concern with accuracy, we would not
have given any importance to the issue. Given his customary wisdom and
depth it was natural to expect something true in that theory but that his
thought was not expressed correctly. In fact, that is what came out of the
explanations that we requested. This is then another proof that we must
not accept anything without the control of reason; and here reason and
facts tell us that such theory could not be absolute.
If isolation were a characteristic inherent to erraticity, such a state
would be a real punishment, the more painful the more it can be prolonged
for many centuries. We know from experience that the absence
of loved ones is a punishment to certain spirits; but we also know that
many of them are happy for meeting again; that when we leave this life
our friends in the spiritual world come to welcome us, helping us to
disengage from the earthly attire, and that there isn’t anything worse
than not finding a benevolent soul at that solemn moment. Would such
a consoling doctrine be an illusion? No, it is not possible because it is
not simply the result of a teaching. It is the souls themselves, happy or
unfortunate, that come to us and describing their situation. We know
that the spirits gather together, understanding one another and acting
in agreement, with more strength on certain occasions, both in good
and evil; that the spirits who don’t have the knowledge necessary to answer
the questions addressed to them, may be helped by others who are
more enlightened; that these are assigned with the mission of helping
with their advice and the progress of others that fall behind; that the
inferior spirits act under the influence of others, being their instrument;
that they receive orders, prohibitions or permissions, circumstances that
would not happen if the spirits were abandoned to their own fates. Thus,
simple common sense tell us that the situation commented above cannot
be absolute but relative; that may happen to some in given circumstances
but that could not be general since if true it could become the
greatest obstacle to the progress of the spirit and, for that very reason,
it would not be according to God’s justice and benevolence. Georges,
the spirit, has evidently mentioned one phase of erraticity, in which he limited the word errant to a certain category of spirits, instead of applying
the term to all disincarnated spirits, as we do ourselves.
It can very well happen then that two loving creatures don’t exchange
signs of affection; that may not see or speak to one another, if that is a
punishment to one of them. On another hand and since the spirits gather
according to their hierarchical order, two spirits who loved one another
on Earth may well belong to different orders and therefore remain split
until the day when the least advanced one reaches the level of the other
one. Thus, such deprivation may be a consequence of the earthly trials
and atonements. It is up to us to behave in such a way that it does not
happen to us.
The spirits’ happiness is relative to their elevation. It is only complete
to the pure spirits, whose happiness is mainly in the love that unites them.
This is conceivable and all justice, for true affections can only exist since
they have left behind every trace of selfishness and material influence,
and because it can only be pure in their state, without second intentions,
perturbed by nothing.
Hence and for that very reason, their interactions must be more affectionate
and extensive than those of spirits still under the empire of the
earthly passions. It is then necessary to conclude that the errant spirits
are not forced to be but can be deprived of such exchanges, if that is a
punishment imposed on them. As Georges says in another passage: “That
transient deprivation makes them more eager to reach the point when the
successful trials will bring back their loved ones.” Hence, that deprivation
is not the normal state of the errant spirits but expiation to those who deserved
it, another one among thousands of vicissitudes that follow in the
other life our demerits of this one.
Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society
Impressions of a Spirit
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I will speak about the strange alterations that take place in the spirit just after their liberation. The spirit dissipates from the body left behind, like a flame disengaging from the fire it has produced; then arrives the moment of great confusion and strange doubt: am I dead or alive? The absence of the ordinary sensations of the body surprises and immobilizes; so to speak, as a person that used to carry a heavy weight, our suddenly light soul knows what to do with its freedom; and the infinity of space; the countless wonders of the stars in a succeeding harmonious rhythm; eager spirits floating in the air, and bursting with the subtle light that seems to pierce them, the sudden feeling of freedom that takes over all at once, with the need to soar into open space like birds who want to try their wings, such are the first impressions that all of us feel. I cannot tell you about all phases of this life. I will add only that as soon as the soul has had enough of that feeling it becomes eager to climb even higher, searching for the regions of true beauty, true good, and such aspiration is the torment of the thirsty spirits, aiming at infinity.
Like the chrysalis, they expect to get rid of their skin, feeling the sprouting wings that shall radiantly take them to the blessed blue skies.
However, still retained by wicked bonds, they must glide between Earth and Heaven, not belonging to one or another. What are all the earthly aspirations compared to the unquenchable ardor of one who has glimpsed a corner of eternity! Thus, you shall suffer a lot to become pure among us. Spiritism will help you since it is a blessed work. It connects the spirits and the living, forming the rings of an invisible chain that leads to God.
Delphine de Girardin
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I will speak about the strange alterations that take place in the spirit just after their liberation. The spirit dissipates from the body left behind, like a flame disengaging from the fire it has produced; then arrives the moment of great confusion and strange doubt: am I dead or alive? The absence of the ordinary sensations of the body surprises and immobilizes; so to speak, as a person that used to carry a heavy weight, our suddenly light soul knows what to do with its freedom; and the infinity of space; the countless wonders of the stars in a succeeding harmonious rhythm; eager spirits floating in the air, and bursting with the subtle light that seems to pierce them, the sudden feeling of freedom that takes over all at once, with the need to soar into open space like birds who want to try their wings, such are the first impressions that all of us feel. I cannot tell you about all phases of this life. I will add only that as soon as the soul has had enough of that feeling it becomes eager to climb even higher, searching for the regions of true beauty, true good, and such aspiration is the torment of the thirsty spirits, aiming at infinity.
Like the chrysalis, they expect to get rid of their skin, feeling the sprouting wings that shall radiantly take them to the blessed blue skies.
However, still retained by wicked bonds, they must glide between Earth and Heaven, not belonging to one or another. What are all the earthly aspirations compared to the unquenchable ardor of one who has glimpsed a corner of eternity! Thus, you shall suffer a lot to become pure among us. Spiritism will help you since it is a blessed work. It connects the spirits and the living, forming the rings of an invisible chain that leads to God.
Delphine de Girardin
The Orphans
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
Brothers, love the orphans. If you only knew how sad it is to be alone and abandoned, particularly at an early age! God allows the orphans to induce us to become parents. What a divine charity helping a pure little abandoned creature, avoiding their cold and hunger, directing his soul, so it does not get lost to vice! Anyone that reaches out to an abandoned child pleases God because he understands and practices His law. Consider also that often the child that you help now has been very dear to you in another life; and that if you could remember, this would not be an act of charity but of duty. Thus my dear friend, every suffering soul is your brother or sister and deserves your charity; not that charity that hurts the heart; not the alms that burns the receiving hand, because your offering is often bitter. How many times, these sufferers would have rather refused, if hunger and disease were not looming! Give kindly and add to the benefits the most valuable of all: a good word, kindness, a friendly smile. Refrain from an air of pity and protection which return a spear into a heart that is already wounded, and consider that the good deeds you do, work on your behalf and that of your loved ones.
Jules Morin
OBSERVATION: The spirit that signs off is completely unknown. We can see from the communication above as for many others of the kind, that it is not always necessary to have a prestigious name to obtain beautiful things. It is puerile to become attached to a name. Good must be well received from whatever source. As a matter of fact, the number of illustrious names is very limited; the number of spirits is infinite. Why then would there not exist capable ones among the unknown? We make this reflection because there are people who believe to be able to obtain sublime messages only from the so-called celebrities. Experience demonstrates the opposite every day and shows that we can always learn something from every spirit if we know how to take advantage of the opportunities.
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
Brothers, love the orphans. If you only knew how sad it is to be alone and abandoned, particularly at an early age! God allows the orphans to induce us to become parents. What a divine charity helping a pure little abandoned creature, avoiding their cold and hunger, directing his soul, so it does not get lost to vice! Anyone that reaches out to an abandoned child pleases God because he understands and practices His law. Consider also that often the child that you help now has been very dear to you in another life; and that if you could remember, this would not be an act of charity but of duty. Thus my dear friend, every suffering soul is your brother or sister and deserves your charity; not that charity that hurts the heart; not the alms that burns the receiving hand, because your offering is often bitter. How many times, these sufferers would have rather refused, if hunger and disease were not looming! Give kindly and add to the benefits the most valuable of all: a good word, kindness, a friendly smile. Refrain from an air of pity and protection which return a spear into a heart that is already wounded, and consider that the good deeds you do, work on your behalf and that of your loved ones.
Jules Morin
OBSERVATION: The spirit that signs off is completely unknown. We can see from the communication above as for many others of the kind, that it is not always necessary to have a prestigious name to obtain beautiful things. It is puerile to become attached to a name. Good must be well received from whatever source. As a matter of fact, the number of illustrious names is very limited; the number of spirits is infinite. Why then would there not exist capable ones among the unknown? We make this reflection because there are people who believe to be able to obtain sublime messages only from the so-called celebrities. Experience demonstrates the opposite every day and shows that we can always learn something from every spirit if we know how to take advantage of the opportunities.
From a Dead Brother to her Sister
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
My sister, you don’t evoke me frequently but that does not preclude me to come to see you every day. I know your concerns: your life is painful, I know that, but it is necessary to endure the not always happy fate. However, there is sometimes a relief in your penalties. For example, someone that does good to the expense of their own happiness may mitigate the rigor of their own trials or those of others.
It is rare to do good with such abnegation in this world. It is difficult, no doubt, but it is not impossible, and the ones who have that sublime virtue are the real elected of the Lord. If we were aware of that poor peregrination on Earth we would understand that. That is not the case though: people remain in the permanent search for material things, as if they would stay in this exile forever. Nevertheless, common sense and the simplest logic daily demonstrates that we are no more than migrating birds here and those who have lighter wings are the ones who arrive sooner. My good sister, what good does all that wealth do to the rich? Tomorrow there will be no jewels helping them to step down into the tomb, where there is nothing to carry along! It is true that it has been a beautiful journey to them; nothing was missed; there was nothing else to be desired and the niceties of life were all experienced. It is also true that they have sometimes thrown the alms in the hands of their brothers with a smile in their faces. Has it deprived them from anything in life? No, not a single pleasure was missed, not a single fantasy. However, that brother is also a son of God, father of all of us, to whom everything belongs. Do you understand, my sister, that a good father does not deprive one of his sons to enrich the other? That is why he will compensate the one that was without in this life.
Thus, those who consider themselves disinherited, abandoned and forgotten will soon reach the blessed side where there is justice and happiness. However, unfortunate are the ones who have made bad use of the means entrusted by our Father. Unfortunate is also the person endowed by the precious gift of intelligence if he has abused it! Believe me, Maria, when there is belief in God there is nothing on Earth to be envy about but the blessings of practicing His laws.
Your brother, Wilhelm
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
My sister, you don’t evoke me frequently but that does not preclude me to come to see you every day. I know your concerns: your life is painful, I know that, but it is necessary to endure the not always happy fate. However, there is sometimes a relief in your penalties. For example, someone that does good to the expense of their own happiness may mitigate the rigor of their own trials or those of others.
It is rare to do good with such abnegation in this world. It is difficult, no doubt, but it is not impossible, and the ones who have that sublime virtue are the real elected of the Lord. If we were aware of that poor peregrination on Earth we would understand that. That is not the case though: people remain in the permanent search for material things, as if they would stay in this exile forever. Nevertheless, common sense and the simplest logic daily demonstrates that we are no more than migrating birds here and those who have lighter wings are the ones who arrive sooner. My good sister, what good does all that wealth do to the rich? Tomorrow there will be no jewels helping them to step down into the tomb, where there is nothing to carry along! It is true that it has been a beautiful journey to them; nothing was missed; there was nothing else to be desired and the niceties of life were all experienced. It is also true that they have sometimes thrown the alms in the hands of their brothers with a smile in their faces. Has it deprived them from anything in life? No, not a single pleasure was missed, not a single fantasy. However, that brother is also a son of God, father of all of us, to whom everything belongs. Do you understand, my sister, that a good father does not deprive one of his sons to enrich the other? That is why he will compensate the one that was without in this life.
Thus, those who consider themselves disinherited, abandoned and forgotten will soon reach the blessed side where there is justice and happiness. However, unfortunate are the ones who have made bad use of the means entrusted by our Father. Unfortunate is also the person endowed by the precious gift of intelligence if he has abused it! Believe me, Maria, when there is belief in God there is nothing on Earth to be envy about but the blessings of practicing His laws.
Your brother, Wilhelm
(Medium Mr. Didier Jr)
Christian moral is what does need to be observed in Spiritism. Many religions have been around for centuries, many splits and many supposed truths. Everything that was erected outside Christianity has fallen because it was not animated by the Holy Spirit. Christ sums up what is the most pure and divine moral, his teachings to the human being touch on his duties in this life and in the next. In the ancient world, where the teachings were the most sublime, it is still poor before such a rich and fertile moral. Plato’s halo fades away before that of Christ and Socrates’ cup is too little when compared to the immense chalice of the Son of the Man. Is that you, oh Sesotris, tyrant of the immobile Egypt, did you want to measure the height of the colossal pyramids compared to the birth of Christ in a manger? Is that you Solon? Is that you Lycurgus, whose barbarian law condemned the ill born children, will you be able to compare to the one who face pride by saying: “Let the children come to me”? Will that be you sacred priests of Numa, whose moral wanted the death of the guilty vestals32, to compare to the one who said to the adulterous woman: “Stand up woman, and sin no more”? No, no more of those terrible mysteries of your practices, oh ancient priests, with these Christian mysteries that you have based this sublime religion on in the name of Christianity; You will bow before him, all legislators and human priests, bow down for it is God who spoke through the mouth of this privileged being who is called Christ.
Christian moral is what does need to be observed in Spiritism. Many religions have been around for centuries, many splits and many supposed truths. Everything that was erected outside Christianity has fallen because it was not animated by the Holy Spirit. Christ sums up what is the most pure and divine moral, his teachings to the human being touch on his duties in this life and in the next. In the ancient world, where the teachings were the most sublime, it is still poor before such a rich and fertile moral. Plato’s halo fades away before that of Christ and Socrates’ cup is too little when compared to the immense chalice of the Son of the Man. Is that you, oh Sesotris, tyrant of the immobile Egypt, did you want to measure the height of the colossal pyramids compared to the birth of Christ in a manger? Is that you Solon? Is that you Lycurgus, whose barbarian law condemned the ill born children, will you be able to compare to the one who face pride by saying: “Let the children come to me”? Will that be you sacred priests of Numa, whose moral wanted the death of the guilty vestals32, to compare to the one who said to the adulterous woman: “Stand up woman, and sin no more”? No, no more of those terrible mysteries of your practices, oh ancient priests, with these Christian mysteries that you have based this sublime religion on in the name of Christianity; You will bow before him, all legislators and human priests, bow down for it is God who spoke through the mouth of this privileged being who is called Christ.
Waste of Time
(Medium Ms. Huet)
If you could, for a moment, think about time wasted, but think seriously and calculate the immense mistake you make, you will see how much this very hour, this minute that has just passed uselessly and that you cannot recover, and that would have helped your future life. Not even all treasures of Earth could return it to you, and had you utilized it badly you will have to repair it through atonement, and perhaps in a terrible way! What wouldn’t you do then to recover that wasted time? Useless vows; superfluous sorrows! Thus, give a serious thought to that. It is of your own future as well as present interest because sorrow may often reach us in this life on Earth. When God comes to make the adjustments regarding the life you were given, the mission that was assigned to you, what will you answer? You will be like the messenger of a sovereign that far from following the orders of his superior has spent the time having fun, not doing the actual work for which he has the credentials. What wouldn’t be your liability on your return? God sent you here and you shall have to respond to him about the time spent with your brothers and sisters. I do recommend that you meditate about it.
(Medium Ms. Huet)
If you could, for a moment, think about time wasted, but think seriously and calculate the immense mistake you make, you will see how much this very hour, this minute that has just passed uselessly and that you cannot recover, and that would have helped your future life. Not even all treasures of Earth could return it to you, and had you utilized it badly you will have to repair it through atonement, and perhaps in a terrible way! What wouldn’t you do then to recover that wasted time? Useless vows; superfluous sorrows! Thus, give a serious thought to that. It is of your own future as well as present interest because sorrow may often reach us in this life on Earth. When God comes to make the adjustments regarding the life you were given, the mission that was assigned to you, what will you answer? You will be like the messenger of a sovereign that far from following the orders of his superior has spent the time having fun, not doing the actual work for which he has the credentials. What wouldn’t be your liability on your return? God sent you here and you shall have to respond to him about the time spent with your brothers and sisters. I do recommend that you meditate about it.
Wise People
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Since you have called a spirit, God has allowed me to come. I will give you good advice, particularly to Mr. …
You that are worried about the wise people, because that is your concern, leave them alone. What could their power be over religious beliefs, and in particular the spiritist beliefs? Haven’t they repelled the truths presented to them at all times? Haven’t they rejected all inventions, treating them as illusions? Weren’t those who presented those truths treated as mad people, hence incarcerated; others thrown into the dungeons of the inquisition; others still murdered or burnt at the stake?
Much later the truth did not shine less intensively to the eyes of the surprised wise people, who had kept it a secret. By turning your attention constantly to them do you want, a new Galileo to suffer the moral torture of ridicule and to be forced to retreat? Has Jesus addressed the Academies of his time? No. He preached the divine moral to everyone and to his people in particular.
He chose fishermen to be the apostles and promoters of his homecoming, people of simple heart, very ignorant, who did not know the laws of nature and who did not know if a miracle could breach them, but who believed ingenuously. “Go, Jesus said, and say what you have seen.”
He has never made a miracle that was not in favor of those who had asked in good faith and conviction. He refused them to the Pharisees and to the Sadducees, who came to tempt him, calling them hypocrites. Do the same and address intelligent people who are prepared to believe. Leave the wise ones and the incredulous.
As a matter of fact, what is a wise person? A person with better instruction than others, because he has studied more, but has lost the former prestige, a fatal halo that sometimes gave him the reward of being burned at the stake. But as the popular intelligence developed their shine has faded. A person of genius is no longer afraid of being accused of sorcery; he is no longer allied to the Devil.
An enlightened humanity appreciates the fair value of someone that knows a lot and works a lot; humanity knows how to raise the genius who produces beautiful works to an adequate pedestal. Humanity is no longer tormented by his science that is understood now; it bows before him since it knows the origin of the creative genius. On the other hand humanity wishes the freedom to believe in those truths that bring consolation. It is no longer acceptable that the one who knows more or less Chemistry, or Linguistic, or produces beautiful operas may come to deny their beliefs, throwing ridicule on their faces and treating their ideas as madness. Humanity will veer off that path and will quietly continue in its way. One day truth shall cover the whole world and those who had repelled it will be forced to believe. I myself who have dealt with Spiritism until my last day have always practiced it in private.
I couldn’t care less about the Academy. Believe me: it will come to you later.
Delphine de Girardin
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Since you have called a spirit, God has allowed me to come. I will give you good advice, particularly to Mr. …
You that are worried about the wise people, because that is your concern, leave them alone. What could their power be over religious beliefs, and in particular the spiritist beliefs? Haven’t they repelled the truths presented to them at all times? Haven’t they rejected all inventions, treating them as illusions? Weren’t those who presented those truths treated as mad people, hence incarcerated; others thrown into the dungeons of the inquisition; others still murdered or burnt at the stake?
Much later the truth did not shine less intensively to the eyes of the surprised wise people, who had kept it a secret. By turning your attention constantly to them do you want, a new Galileo to suffer the moral torture of ridicule and to be forced to retreat? Has Jesus addressed the Academies of his time? No. He preached the divine moral to everyone and to his people in particular.
He chose fishermen to be the apostles and promoters of his homecoming, people of simple heart, very ignorant, who did not know the laws of nature and who did not know if a miracle could breach them, but who believed ingenuously. “Go, Jesus said, and say what you have seen.”
He has never made a miracle that was not in favor of those who had asked in good faith and conviction. He refused them to the Pharisees and to the Sadducees, who came to tempt him, calling them hypocrites. Do the same and address intelligent people who are prepared to believe. Leave the wise ones and the incredulous.
As a matter of fact, what is a wise person? A person with better instruction than others, because he has studied more, but has lost the former prestige, a fatal halo that sometimes gave him the reward of being burned at the stake. But as the popular intelligence developed their shine has faded. A person of genius is no longer afraid of being accused of sorcery; he is no longer allied to the Devil.
An enlightened humanity appreciates the fair value of someone that knows a lot and works a lot; humanity knows how to raise the genius who produces beautiful works to an adequate pedestal. Humanity is no longer tormented by his science that is understood now; it bows before him since it knows the origin of the creative genius. On the other hand humanity wishes the freedom to believe in those truths that bring consolation. It is no longer acceptable that the one who knows more or less Chemistry, or Linguistic, or produces beautiful operas may come to deny their beliefs, throwing ridicule on their faces and treating their ideas as madness. Humanity will veer off that path and will quietly continue in its way. One day truth shall cover the whole world and those who had repelled it will be forced to believe. I myself who have dealt with Spiritism until my last day have always practiced it in private.
I couldn’t care less about the Academy. Believe me: it will come to you later.
Delphine de Girardin
The Human Being
The human being is a composite of greatness and misery, science and ignorance. He is the true representative of God on Earth because his great intelligence encompasses the universe. He found ways of discovering the secrets of nature; knows how to use the elements; travels long distances by means of steam; can talk to his fellow human beings from one corner to the other of the world using electricity that he can control. His is highly intelligent. When he is able to place all that before God’s feet and pay tribute to God he is god-like! However, how miserable and petty he can be when dominated by pride! He can’t see his misery; he can’t see that his existence, this life that he cannot understand, is taken from him sometimes instantaneously, just by the will of that divinity unknown to him, since he cannot defend against such a power; he has to follow his fate!
The one who has studied and analyzed everything; who knows the movement of the stars; does he know the creative power that germinated the grain of wheat on the earth? Can he create a flower however simple and modest it may be? No. His power stops there. He should then acknowledge a power much superior than his. Humility should take his heart over and he would then practice one act of adoration by admiring the works of God.
St. Therese
The human being is a composite of greatness and misery, science and ignorance. He is the true representative of God on Earth because his great intelligence encompasses the universe. He found ways of discovering the secrets of nature; knows how to use the elements; travels long distances by means of steam; can talk to his fellow human beings from one corner to the other of the world using electricity that he can control. His is highly intelligent. When he is able to place all that before God’s feet and pay tribute to God he is god-like! However, how miserable and petty he can be when dominated by pride! He can’t see his misery; he can’t see that his existence, this life that he cannot understand, is taken from him sometimes instantaneously, just by the will of that divinity unknown to him, since he cannot defend against such a power; he has to follow his fate!
The one who has studied and analyzed everything; who knows the movement of the stars; does he know the creative power that germinated the grain of wheat on the earth? Can he create a flower however simple and modest it may be? No. His power stops there. He should then acknowledge a power much superior than his. Humility should take his heart over and he would then practice one act of adoration by admiring the works of God.
St. Therese
Determination in the Spiritist Work
I will talk about the determination that you need in your spiritist work. A warning was given to you with that regard. I advise you to study it wholeheartedly and apply it to yourselves because like St. Paul, you shall be persecuted, not in flesh and blood, but in spirit. The incredulous, the Pharisees of our time, will criticize and ridicule you. But have no fear. It shall be a trial to strengthen you if you know to offer that to God. You will see your efforts crowned by success later on. It will be a great triumph to you before the light of eternity, not forgetting that it is already a consolation in this world to those who have lost their relatives and friends. It is a true happiness to know that they are okay and that it is possible to communicate with them. Then, march forward. Accomplish your God given mission and it shall be taken into account the day you appear before the Almighty.
I will talk about the determination that you need in your spiritist work. A warning was given to you with that regard. I advise you to study it wholeheartedly and apply it to yourselves because like St. Paul, you shall be persecuted, not in flesh and blood, but in spirit. The incredulous, the Pharisees of our time, will criticize and ridicule you. But have no fear. It shall be a trial to strengthen you if you know to offer that to God. You will see your efforts crowned by success later on. It will be a great triumph to you before the light of eternity, not forgetting that it is already a consolation in this world to those who have lost their relatives and friends. It is a true happiness to know that they are okay and that it is possible to communicate with them. Then, march forward. Accomplish your God given mission and it shall be taken into account the day you appear before the Almighty.
The Enemies of Progress
(Medium Mr. R…)
The enemies of progress, of light and truth, work in the shadows. They prepare a crusade against our manifestations. Don’t bother with that. You are powerfully supported. Let them agitate in their impotence. However, dedicate yourselves to combat, annihilate by all means at your disposal the idea of eternal penalties, that blasphemy against God’s justice and benevolence, constituting the most fecund source of incredulity, materialism and indifference that invades the masses since their intelligence started to develop. The spirit has quickly learned the monstrous injustice as soon as it was freed from the gross primitivism and just prior to becoming enlightened. Human beings’ reason repels it and rarely confuses it in the same ostracism of the revolting penalty and the God to whom it is attributed.
Thus the innumerable evils that have precipitated upon you and to which we bring the remedy. The more the authorities that support the defenders of that belief avoid a formal declaration, the easier is the task that we have assigned to you. Neither the Councils nor the priests of the Church have brought this grave question to a closure. If, according to the Evangelists themselves and taking Christ’s emblematic words literally, he has threatened the guilty ones with an endless fire, an eternal fire, there is absolutely nothing in his words which demonstrates that he has condemned the wicked for eternity. Poor lost sheep, you must understand the Good Shepherd that comes from far away and instead of willing to banish you forever from his presence he comes himself to meet you and bring you back to the flock. Lost sheep leave you voluntary exile. Drive your steps towards the paternal dwelling. The Father embraces you and is always ready to celebrate your return to the family.
(Medium Mr. R…)
The enemies of progress, of light and truth, work in the shadows. They prepare a crusade against our manifestations. Don’t bother with that. You are powerfully supported. Let them agitate in their impotence. However, dedicate yourselves to combat, annihilate by all means at your disposal the idea of eternal penalties, that blasphemy against God’s justice and benevolence, constituting the most fecund source of incredulity, materialism and indifference that invades the masses since their intelligence started to develop. The spirit has quickly learned the monstrous injustice as soon as it was freed from the gross primitivism and just prior to becoming enlightened. Human beings’ reason repels it and rarely confuses it in the same ostracism of the revolting penalty and the God to whom it is attributed.
Thus the innumerable evils that have precipitated upon you and to which we bring the remedy. The more the authorities that support the defenders of that belief avoid a formal declaration, the easier is the task that we have assigned to you. Neither the Councils nor the priests of the Church have brought this grave question to a closure. If, according to the Evangelists themselves and taking Christ’s emblematic words literally, he has threatened the guilty ones with an endless fire, an eternal fire, there is absolutely nothing in his words which demonstrates that he has condemned the wicked for eternity. Poor lost sheep, you must understand the Good Shepherd that comes from far away and instead of willing to banish you forever from his presence he comes himself to meet you and bring you back to the flock. Lost sheep leave you voluntary exile. Drive your steps towards the paternal dwelling. The Father embraces you and is always ready to celebrate your return to the family.
Distinctive Nature of the Spirits
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I want to talk about the great truths of Spiritism. They are tightly connected to those of morality thus they must not be separated. To begin with, the point that attracts the attention of intelligent people is the doubt they have about the validity of spiritist communications. The truth is the first dignifying mark of the soul and is contained in this starting point. Let us then establish it.
There is no infallible way to distinguish the nature of the spirits if we renounce to reason, to comparison and reflection. These three faculties are more than enough to safely distinguish the diverse spirits. Free-will is the shaft that supports the pivot of human intelligence; the equilibrium would be broken if the spirits had only to speak in order to dominate people. Their power would then equal God’s power and that cannot be the case. The interchange between human beings and the invisible beings is like Jacob’s ladder: some are allowed to step up; others are allowed to step down. And all of them, interacting with one another before God’s eyes, must march towards God, with the same love and intelligent submission. I have touched the subject only superficially, advising you to study it in-depth, in all its aspects.
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I want to talk about the great truths of Spiritism. They are tightly connected to those of morality thus they must not be separated. To begin with, the point that attracts the attention of intelligent people is the doubt they have about the validity of spiritist communications. The truth is the first dignifying mark of the soul and is contained in this starting point. Let us then establish it.
There is no infallible way to distinguish the nature of the spirits if we renounce to reason, to comparison and reflection. These three faculties are more than enough to safely distinguish the diverse spirits. Free-will is the shaft that supports the pivot of human intelligence; the equilibrium would be broken if the spirits had only to speak in order to dominate people. Their power would then equal God’s power and that cannot be the case. The interchange between human beings and the invisible beings is like Jacob’s ladder: some are allowed to step up; others are allowed to step down. And all of them, interacting with one another before God’s eyes, must march towards God, with the same love and intelligent submission. I have touched the subject only superficially, advising you to study it in-depth, in all its aspects.
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My friends, I was very unhappy on Earth because my spirit was equal and sometimes superior to the persons that surrounded me but my body was inferior. Thus, my heart was wounded by moral sufferings and by the physical limitations that had reduced my earthly body to a disgraceful and miserable state.
I became a bitter person due to my diseases and the upsetting relationships that I had with my friends. I allowed myself to be dragged to the most outrageous evilness. I was apparently cheerful and unhurt, however I suffered from the bottom of my heart and when I was alone, taken by the most secretive thoughts of my soul, I groaned in the fight between good and evil. The most beautiful day of my life was the day when my spirit separated from my body, when then illuminated by a divine ray my spirit was taken to celestial regions! I felt like being reborn and I was taken by a state of happiness. I finally rested.
My conscience woke up later. I acknowledge my mistakes against the Creator, experienced remorse and begged the Almighty for forgiveness. Since then I strive to learn within the good path; I try to become useful to people and I advance daily. However, I feel the need for prayers and I ask the true believers to elevate their thoughts to God on my behalf. If evoked I will always try to answer your questions as much as I can. That is how charity can be practiced.
Paul Scarron
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My friends, I was very unhappy on Earth because my spirit was equal and sometimes superior to the persons that surrounded me but my body was inferior. Thus, my heart was wounded by moral sufferings and by the physical limitations that had reduced my earthly body to a disgraceful and miserable state.
I became a bitter person due to my diseases and the upsetting relationships that I had with my friends. I allowed myself to be dragged to the most outrageous evilness. I was apparently cheerful and unhurt, however I suffered from the bottom of my heart and when I was alone, taken by the most secretive thoughts of my soul, I groaned in the fight between good and evil. The most beautiful day of my life was the day when my spirit separated from my body, when then illuminated by a divine ray my spirit was taken to celestial regions! I felt like being reborn and I was taken by a state of happiness. I finally rested.
My conscience woke up later. I acknowledge my mistakes against the Creator, experienced remorse and begged the Almighty for forgiveness. Since then I strive to learn within the good path; I try to become useful to people and I advance daily. However, I feel the need for prayers and I ask the true believers to elevate their thoughts to God on my behalf. If evoked I will always try to answer your questions as much as I can. That is how charity can be practiced.
Paul Scarron
The Nothingness of Life
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My good adopted friends, allow me to give you a few words of advice. God allows me to come to you. Unfortunately I cannot transfer to you all the emotion that was in my heart and what inspired me to do good! Believe in God, author of all things; love God; be good and charitable. Charity is the key to the heavens. In order to become good, give sometimes some thought to death; it is a thought that elevates the soul and makes it better, bringing humbleness to the soul. What are we on Earth? We are an atom thrown in space; very little in the whole universe. The human being is nothing. His time is numbered. Looking forward or behind there is always infinity. His life, however long it may be, is a mere dot in eternity. Then, think of your soul. Think of the new life that awaits you since you cannot doubt that it does exist, even more so if you think about the desires of your soul, never satisfied, demonstrating that they must exist in a better world. Goodbye.
S. Swetchine
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My good adopted friends, allow me to give you a few words of advice. God allows me to come to you. Unfortunately I cannot transfer to you all the emotion that was in my heart and what inspired me to do good! Believe in God, author of all things; love God; be good and charitable. Charity is the key to the heavens. In order to become good, give sometimes some thought to death; it is a thought that elevates the soul and makes it better, bringing humbleness to the soul. What are we on Earth? We are an atom thrown in space; very little in the whole universe. The human being is nothing. His time is numbered. Looking forward or behind there is always infinity. His life, however long it may be, is a mere dot in eternity. Then, think of your soul. Think of the new life that awaits you since you cannot doubt that it does exist, even more so if you think about the desires of your soul, never satisfied, demonstrating that they must exist in a better world. Goodbye.
S. Swetchine
To the Mediums
(Medium Mrs. Darcol)
When you wish to receive communications from the good spirits, it is necessary to be prepared for that through prayer and inner silence, through good intentions and the true desire to do good, aiming at the general progress. Keep in mind that selfishness is a cause of delay in every path. Remember that if God allows some among you to receive the breath of some of his children that deserved the happiness of understanding God’s infinite benevolence through their actions, the reason is that from our request and in lieu of your good intentions, God wants to give you the means of advancing in your journey.
Hence, oh mediums! Take advantage of that faculty that God wants to give you. Have faith in the kindness of our Teacher; always practice charity; don’t ever stop practicing this sublime virtue, as well as tolerance. May your actions always resonate with your conscience! It is a sure means of multiplying your happiness a hundred times in this short and transient life and even prepare you for an existence a thousand times smoother.
The medium among you that does not feel strong enough to persevere with the spiritist teaching should abstain, because if he does not take advantage of the light that clarifies him, he will be less pardonable than another and would only have to atone for his blindness.
François de Salles
(Medium Mrs. Darcol)
When you wish to receive communications from the good spirits, it is necessary to be prepared for that through prayer and inner silence, through good intentions and the true desire to do good, aiming at the general progress. Keep in mind that selfishness is a cause of delay in every path. Remember that if God allows some among you to receive the breath of some of his children that deserved the happiness of understanding God’s infinite benevolence through their actions, the reason is that from our request and in lieu of your good intentions, God wants to give you the means of advancing in your journey.
Hence, oh mediums! Take advantage of that faculty that God wants to give you. Have faith in the kindness of our Teacher; always practice charity; don’t ever stop practicing this sublime virtue, as well as tolerance. May your actions always resonate with your conscience! It is a sure means of multiplying your happiness a hundred times in this short and transient life and even prepare you for an existence a thousand times smoother.
The medium among you that does not feel strong enough to persevere with the spiritist teaching should abstain, because if he does not take advantage of the light that clarifies him, he will be less pardonable than another and would only have to atone for his blindness.
François de Salles
Relative Honesty
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
Today we will comment the morality of those who don’t have it, that is, the relative honesty that is found in the most corrupted hearts. A thief does not steal the handkerchief of his comrade, even when his comrade has two. The trader does not overcharge his friend; the traitor, despite everything, is loyal to someone. The divine light is never absolutely absent from the human heart; thus it must be preserved with extreme care, or even developed. The strict and brutal judgment by people, given its severity, makes recovery much more difficult than the practice of bad deeds. Once developed, Spiritism should be and will be the consolation and hope of those hearts hurt by human justice.
Full of sublime teachings, religion glides too high for the ignorant. It does not reach them with sufficient objectivity, as it should, the sterile imagination of the illiterate, who wishes to see in order to believe. Enlightened by the mediums, perhaps medium themselves, the belief shall flourish in their withered hearts. Hence, the true spiritist must address the people in particular, like the apostles did in former times, so as to propagate the consoling doctrine.
As pioneers, they must dive into the swamps of ignorance, filled with defects; they clean and prepare the terrain of lost souls, so they can receive the beautiful knowledge of Christ.
Today we will comment the morality of those who don’t have it, that is, the relative honesty that is found in the most corrupted hearts. A thief does not steal the handkerchief of his comrade, even when his comrade has two. The trader does not overcharge his friend; the traitor, despite everything, is loyal to someone. The divine light is never absolutely absent from the human heart; thus it must be preserved with extreme care, or even developed. The strict and brutal judgment by people, given its severity, makes recovery much more difficult than the practice of bad deeds. Once developed, Spiritism should be and will be the consolation and hope of those hearts hurt by human justice.
Full of sublime teachings, religion glides too high for the ignorant. It does not reach them with sufficient objectivity, as it should, the sterile imagination of the illiterate, who wishes to see in order to believe. Enlightened by the mediums, perhaps medium themselves, the belief shall flourish in their withered hearts. Hence, the true spiritist must address the people in particular, like the apostles did in former times, so as to propagate the consoling doctrine.
As pioneers, they must dive into the swamps of ignorance, filled with defects; they clean and prepare the terrain of lost souls, so they can receive the beautiful knowledge of Christ.
Taking Advantage of the Advices
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Do you take advantage of our advice and what we tell you every day? No. Not much. When you leave one of our sessions you talk about the curiosity of the fact; you discuss the greater or lesser interest it has caused in the audience. However, is there at least one among you who asks how to apply the morality, the advice that we have just given you can be adopted, with the intention of doing that? A communication was requested and it was received. That is all. You go back to your daily occupations promising to return to see again such an interesting show. You tell your friends about the facts, exciting their curiosity and only to demonstrate that the wise individuals can be confused. Very few do it with the sincere objective of preaching morality. Very few really try to improve themselves.
My lesson is strict. However, I don’t want to discourage you. You always bring the good will, now add a little bit more of good feelings towards God and less desire to annihilate those who don’t want to believe. Those belong to God and to time.
Marie (familiar spirit)
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Do you take advantage of our advice and what we tell you every day? No. Not much. When you leave one of our sessions you talk about the curiosity of the fact; you discuss the greater or lesser interest it has caused in the audience. However, is there at least one among you who asks how to apply the morality, the advice that we have just given you can be adopted, with the intention of doing that? A communication was requested and it was received. That is all. You go back to your daily occupations promising to return to see again such an interesting show. You tell your friends about the facts, exciting their curiosity and only to demonstrate that the wise individuals can be confused. Very few do it with the sincere objective of preaching morality. Very few really try to improve themselves.
My lesson is strict. However, I don’t want to discourage you. You always bring the good will, now add a little bit more of good feelings towards God and less desire to annihilate those who don’t want to believe. Those belong to God and to time.
Marie (familiar spirit)
Select Thoughts
Oh People! How arrogantly proud you are! Your pretensions are truly comic. You want to know everything and your fundamental ideas, you must know, oppose the faculty of universal comprehension. You will only come to understand this wonderful nature through persevering work. You will only have the joy of exploring these treasures and foreseeing glimpse of the inifinty of God, but through your own betterment and charity, and doing everything for the common good and reporting that faculty to God who in His singular generosity will reward you beyond any expectation.
The human being is at the mercy of events, as they frequently say; which event are they talking about? What would be their cause and objective? God’s finger has never been associated to that. Such vague and materialistic thought, the mother of fatality has sent many great spirits and beautiful minds astray. This is what Balzac said: “There are no principles; there are only events.” It means that, according to him, the human being has no free will; he is taken over by fatality since birth and fatality leads him to the tomb. Monstrous invention of the human spirit! Such a thought abates freedom; that is to say progress, the elevation of the human soul, evident demonstration of God’s existence.
Thus, would people be led like that, slave of men and oneself? Oh brothers and sisters! Analyze yourself. Were you born to be a slave? No. You were born for freedom.
Oh People! How arrogantly proud you are! Your pretensions are truly comic. You want to know everything and your fundamental ideas, you must know, oppose the faculty of universal comprehension. You will only come to understand this wonderful nature through persevering work. You will only have the joy of exploring these treasures and foreseeing glimpse of the inifinty of God, but through your own betterment and charity, and doing everything for the common good and reporting that faculty to God who in His singular generosity will reward you beyond any expectation.
The human being is at the mercy of events, as they frequently say; which event are they talking about? What would be their cause and objective? God’s finger has never been associated to that. Such vague and materialistic thought, the mother of fatality has sent many great spirits and beautiful minds astray. This is what Balzac said: “There are no principles; there are only events.” It means that, according to him, the human being has no free will; he is taken over by fatality since birth and fatality leads him to the tomb. Monstrous invention of the human spirit! Such a thought abates freedom; that is to say progress, the elevation of the human soul, evident demonstration of God’s existence.
Thus, would people be led like that, slave of men and oneself? Oh brothers and sisters! Analyze yourself. Were you born to be a slave? No. You were born for freedom.
Maria d’Agreda Phenomenon of bi-corporeality (bi-location)
In a historical brochure that has just been published about the life of
Maria de Jesus d’Agreda, we find a remarkable case of bi-corporeality,
which demonstrates how such phenomena are perfectly accepted by religion.
It is true that to certain people, the religious beliefs are not more
authoritative than the spiritist beliefs, but when these beliefs are supported
by the demonstrations given by Spiritism and by the patent evidence
of their possibility, also provided by Spiritism through a rational theory
which does not breach the laws of nature, and by their reality through
analogous and authentic examples, one has to yield to the evidence and
acknowledge that there are other laws besides the known ones, still in
God’s secrets.
Maria de Jesus was born in Agreda, city of Castela, on April 2nd, 1602 from poor parents of exemplary virtue. At a very young age, she became the leading nun of the convent Immaculate Conception of Mary, where she died with airs of sanctity. Here is the report found in her biography:
Maria de Jesus was born in Agreda, city of Castela, on April 2nd, 1602 from poor parents of exemplary virtue. At a very young age, she became the leading nun of the convent Immaculate Conception of Mary, where she died with airs of sanctity. Here is the report found in her biography:
“Irrespective of how much we wish to summarize, we cannot escape
the need to mention here the exceptional role of missionary and apostle
that Maria d’Agreda has had in New Mexico. Those facts will be reported
and from which there are indisputable proofs, would demonstrate on its
own how elevated her supernatural gifts were, gifts with which God had
enriched her poor life as a servant, and how much she had devoted her
heart to the salvation of her fellow human beings. In her intimate relationship
with God she used to receive a bright light that helped her discover
the whole world, the multitude of people that inhabited that world,
among which there were those who had not found the Church yet and
were living with the imminent danger of losing their lives forever. Before
the risk of losing so many souls, Maria d’Agreda felt as if her heart had
been pierced and in her pain she multiplied her fervent prayers.
God let her know that the people of New Mexico were presented with
fewer obstacles to their religious conversion than other people, and that
it was particularly upon them, that God’s divine mercy wanted them to
expand rapidly. Such knowledge operated as a new spur in the charitable
heart of Maria d’Agreda and from the bottom of her heart she begged for
God’s clemency on behalf of those poor people. God Himself ordered her
to pray and work for that objective. And she did that in such an efficient
way that the Lord, whose reasons are impenetrable, operated in her and
through her one of the greatest wonders that History can report.”
“One day, taken in ecstasy by God, when she was fervently praying
for the salvation of those souls, Maria d’Agreda felt suddenly and unsuspectingly
transported to an unknown and far away region. She found
herself in a climate that was not of Castela and felt herself under a Sun
stronger than usual. Before her, there were people from a race that she
had never met before and God ordered her to preach the law and the holy
faith to them, according to her charitable wishes. The ecstatic of Agreda
obeyed. She preached to those Indians in her Spanish language and the
pagan people understood as if she was preaching in their mother tongue.
Many conversations followed. Returning from the ecstasy that saint creature
was in the same place as in the beginning of the withdrawal.
It was not only once that Maria de Jesus performed that wonderful
role of apostle and missionary together with the native people of New
Mexico. The first ecstasy occurred in 1622, followed by more than 500
ecstasies of the same kind. Maria d’Agreda was continuously in that region
to proceed with her mission. She thought the number of converted
people had increased prodigiously and that the whole nation, having the
king before them, was prepared to embrace Jesus’s faith.”
“She simultaneously saw, but at a great distance, the Spanish
Franciscan who worked in the conversion of that new world, but who
ignored the existence of those people that she had converted. Such consideration
led her to advise the Indians to send some messengers to those
missionaries so that they could come and baptize them. That was how
the divine Providence wanted to give a brilliant manifestation of good
that Maria d’Agreda had done in the New Mexico, through her ecstatic
“One day the Franciscan missionaries that Maria d’Agreda had seen
in spirit at a great distance, saw themselves approached by a bunch of
Indians of a race that they had not yet found in their excursions. The
announced themselves as messengers of their nation, requesting the grace
of baptism with great urgency. The missionaries were surprised by the
arrival of those Indians and even more so by their request, then trying to
understand its origin.”
“The messengers responded that a woman had appeared in their land
long ago, announcing the law of Jesus Christ. They added that the woman
would suddenly disappear, and her whereabouts were then unknown; that
she had helped them to understand the true God and had advised them to
come to the missionaries so that they could bring the grace of sacrament
to the whole nation, a sacrament that rescues the sins and transforms all
people into children of God.”
“The missionaries were even more impressed when they questioned
the Indians about the mysteries of faith and found them perfectly instructed
about everything that is needed for the salvation. The missionaries
got every possible piece of information about the woman but all that the Indians could say was that they had never seen anybody like
that before.”
“However, some descriptive details of her outfit led the missionaries
to suspect that she wore religious clothes. One of them who carried
the picture of Sister Luiza de Carrion, still alive, and whose holiness was
known everywhere in Spain, showed the picture to the Indians thinking
that they could then recognize some features of the woman-apostle.”
“After examining the picture the Indians said that the woman who
had preached them the law of Jesus Christ in reality had a veil like the
one in the picture but whose facial traces were completely different, being
younger and of a great beauty.”
“Then some missionaries left with the Indian messengers, to collect
such an abundant harvest among them. After traveling for a few days they
got to the heart of the tribe where they were welcomed with the strongest
demonstrations of happiness and recognition. During the journey they
noticed that the Christian instruction was complete in all elements of
that race.”
“The tribe chief, who deserved special attention from the servant of
God, wanted to be the first to receive the grace of baptism with his whole
family and in a few days a whole nation followed his example. Despite
all the events, the servant of the Lord who had evangelized those people
was still unknown and there was a saint curiosity and keen impatience
to get to know her. Without doubt, father Alonzo de Benavides who was
a hierarchical superior of the Franciscan missionaries in New Mexico
wanted to tear off the veil of mystery that still covered the name of the
woman-apostle, also willing to return to Spain to discover the retreat of
the unknown religious lady that had prodigiously cooperated with the
salvation of so many souls.
In 1630 he could finally travel to Spain and went directly to Madrid
where his superior was based. Benavides told him about the objective
that made him travel to Europe. The General of the Franciscans knew
Maria de Jesus d’Agreda, and following the duties of his position he had
to examine in details the intimacy of that sister. He knew her holiness as well as the sublimity of her God given paths. He immediately thought
that the privileged woman could well be the woman-apostle that Father
Benavides was talking about and he thus mentioned that to him. The
General then gave him letters making him his Commissioner commanding
Maria d’Agreda to answer in all simplicity the questions that Father
Benavides considered appropriate. With these orders the Commissioner
left to Agreda.”
“The humble sister then found herself forced to reveal everything that
she knew about his mission together with her. Confused while kind at
the same time, she reported to Benavides everything that had happened
in her ecstasies, frankly adding that she was completely uncertain about
the mode by which she operated those things at such a faraway location.
Benavides also questioned her about the details of the places that she had
likely visited so often, then verifying that she was well informed about everything
that was related to New Mexico and its inhabitants. She reported
in minor details the topography of the region, even using the adequate
names, as a traveler would do after having visited those regions. She even
added that she had seen Benavides and the missionaries several times,
indicating the places, the days, times, circumstances and providing particular
details about each one of the missionaries.”
“One can easily imagine Benavides’ relief for having finally found the
privileged soul that God had used to carry out that miraculous operation
upon the inhabitants of New Mexico.”
“Before leaving Agreda, Benavides wanted to write a report about
everything that he had attested, in America and in Agreda, and his conversations
with the servant of God. In the letter he expressed his personal
conviction about the mode through which Maria de Jesus’ presence
had been felt by the native Indians. He tended to believe that the action
had been physical, corporeal. The humble sister had always kept great
reservation about this subject. Despite thousands of indications that led
Benavides to his conclusion and before him the humble servant’s confessor,
they were indications that seemed to confirm a physical change
of place, Maria d’Agreda always insisted on her belief that everything happened in spirit. Out of pure humility she was even tempted to believe
that it was nothing more than pure hallucination since those things were
always unknowingly and involuntary. Her director, however, who knew
the fundamentals of things, thought that the sister was physically transported
in her ecstasies to the places of her evangelical works. He based his
opinion on the physical impressions caused on her by climatic changes
during the long series of works among the Indians, and in the opinion
of several scholars that he thought appropriate to consult with in total
“Whatever is the case, the fact remains as one of the most remarkable
that has ever been reported in the archives of the saints and it is very adequate
to provide a true idea not only about the divine communications
received by Maria d’Agreda, but also her candor and kind honesty.”
We remind our readers that the book “Practical Instructions about
the Spiritist Communications” is sold out, and will be replaced by
a more complete work entitled “Experimental Spiritism” which is in the
editorial process, to be released in December next.
We equally remind you that the second edition of “Story of Joan of
Arc” dictated by herself to Ms. Ermance Dufaux is on sale. Its success has
not faded. It is always read with the same interest by serious people, adepts
of Spiritism or not. This story will always be considered one of the most
complete and most interesting ever published.
Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec