The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > April > Varieties > Tangible Apparition
Tangible Apparition

Last January 14th Mr. Lecomte, a farmer from the village of Brix, in the district of Valognes, was visited by an individual who was said to be one of his old comrades, with whom he had worked at the Port of Cherburg, and whose death goes back two and half years. The apparition wished to ask Lecomte to have a mass celebrated in his name at the Church. On the 15th the apparition showed up again. Lecomte, less afraid this time, effectively recognized his old comrade. Still disturbed, he did not know what to answer though. The same thing happened again on January the 17th and 18th. It was only on the 19th that Lecomte said:

• Since you want a mass, where do you want it celebrated? Will you attend it?

• I want, responded the spirit, that the mass be celebrated at St. Savior Chapel, in eight days. I will be there. And he added: I haven’t seen you for a long time and it was far away for me to come and see you. That was what he said and then he left with a handshake.

Mr. Lecomte did not fail his promise. The mass was celebrated on the 27th at the St. Savior Chapel and he saw his old comrade kneeling on the steps of the altar, near the vicar. Nobody else had seen him and although he had asked the priest and the assistants, they did not see him as well. Since then Lecomte was no longer visited, returning to his usual tranquility.

OBSERVATION: According to this report, whose authenticity is attested by a trustworthy source, it is not related to a simple vision but to a tangible apparition, since the deceased friend of Lecomte had shaken his hand. The incredulous will say that it was a hallucination. However, we still wait for their clear, logical and truly scientific explanation of the strange phenomena that they designate by that name, with the only objective, as it seems to us, of denying any solution.

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